****************************************************************************************** Higgs production in RG-improved QCD Based on the following papers: Valentin Ahrens, Thomas Becher, Matthias Neubert and Li Lin Yang arXiv:0808.3008, arXiv:0809.4283 and arXiv:1008.3162 ****************************************************************************************** The program needs several external libraries: LHAPDF(libLHAPDF.a): http://projects.hepforge.org/lhapdf/ Cuba(libcuba.a): http://www.feynarts.de/cuba/ If these libraries are installed in a non-standard location, it can be specified in the first line of "makefile". (Note: The program is by default assumed to be linked with Cuba version 2.x. To use Cuba version 1.x, change Cuba_VERSION to 1 in the second line of "makefile".) Also note that the program relies on the script "lhapdf-config" in LHAPDF to determine the directory containing the PDF sets. Make sure that "lhapdf-config" is in the PATH and the PDF sets are put in the directory returned by executing "lhapdf-config --pdfsets-path". The program is tested under Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 with gfortran 4.3.2 and under Mac OS X 10.6 with gfortran 4.2.3. To use the program, type "make" to compile it, and run the driver script ./RunHiggs.py sqrtS m_H pdfset where "sqrtS" is the center-of-mass energy of the collider (1960 for Tevatron, others for LHC), "m_H" is the Higgs mass, "pdfset" choose the PDF sets to use (through LHAPDF) which can be: MSTW --- MSTW2008NNLO CTEQ --- CTEQ6.6 CT10 --- CT10 NNPDF --- NNPDF2.0 ****************************************************************************************** The NNLO fixed-order portion of our code is based on Nucl. Phys. B 646, 220 (2002). We thank Babis Anastasiou for providing us with a Fortran code for the corresponding hard-scattering cross sections. The NLO electroweak corrections in our code are obtained from Phys. Lett. B 670, 12 (2008).